Nitrogen Marketplace
Limit by Watershed and Compliance Year
Nitrogen Credits in DEP reserve: 7,388
Compliance Year / Watershed | Posting # | Credits Available* | Price per Credit |
2009 Susquehanna Watershed | #POST-000013 | 2,628 | Request for Inquiry |
2009 Susquehanna Watershed | #POST-000015 | 3,886 | Request for Inquiry |
2011 Susquehanna Watershed | #POST-000017 | 50 | Request for Inquiry |
2011 Susquehanna Watershed | #POST-000018 | 50 | Request for Inquiry |
Indicates a posting that you placed on the marketplace.
Indicates a posting that you have submitted a bid on.
* These are credits certified by the Department. Certification is the first step in allowing credits to be used to satisfy NPDES permit obligations. Certifications issued by the Department for credits are contingent on verification and registration, and possibly other conditions. Contact the Department if you would like to see the certification for any credits you are considering to purchase.